
MobDebug is a remote debugger for the Lua programming language

$ luarocks install mobdebug

MobDebug allows you control the execution of another Lua program remotely,
set breakpoints, and inspect the current state of the program.

MobDebug is based on [RemDebug]( and
extends it in several ways:

* added new commands: LOAD, RELOAD, OUT, STACK, DONE;
* added support for debugging wxwidgets applications;
* added ability to pause and abort running applications;
* added pretty printing and handling of multiple results in EXEC;
* added stack and local/upvalue value reporting (STACK);
* added on/off commands to turn debugging on and off (to improve performance);
* added support for coroutine debugging (see examples/README for details);
* added support for Lua 5.2, Lua 5.3, and Lua 5.4;
* added support for LuaJIT debugging;
* added support for nginx/OpenResty and Lapis debugging;
* added support for cross-platform debugging (with client and server running on different platforms/filesystems);
* removed dependency on LuaFileSystem;
* provided integration with [ZeroBrane Studio IDE](


0.80-13 years ago5,081 downloads
0.70-16 years ago10,759 downloads
0.64-17 years ago12,286 downloads
0.63-18 years ago7,197 downloads
0.55-18 years ago520 downloads
0.51-18 years ago291 downloads
0.50-18 years ago81 downloads
0.49-18 years ago221 downloads
0.48-18 years ago83 downloads


lua >= 5.1, < 5.5
LuaSocket >= 2.0

Dependency for

debug.lua, loveheaders

