Modules labeled 'filesystem' (27)

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  • unreliablefs by ligurio — downloads: 99
    A FUSE-based fault injection filesystem
  • physfs by Xavier Wang — downloads: 342
  • wax by arkt8 — downloads: 269
    Multipurpose set of modules to extend the Lua standard library
  • Flu by doub — downloads: 3,645
    Filesystems in Lua Userspace.
  • luafam by luarocks — downloads: 178
    Lua File Alteration Monitoring Interface
  • luajls by javalikescript — downloads: 240
    luajls is a set of Lua modules for developing stand-alone Lua applications
  • lnotify by luarocks — downloads: 237
    Simple bind from libnotify to Lua.
  • rmrf by xpol — downloads: 339
    A `rm -rf` module for Lua.
  • lluv by moteus — downloads: 6,508
    Lua low-level binding to libuv
  • mirrorfs by catwell — downloads: 99
    A FUSE mirroring a directory.
  • mkdirp by xpol — downloads: 309
    A `mkdir -p` module for Lua.
  • fswatch-ffi by gilzoide — downloads: 34
    LuaJIT FFI and wrapper for libfswatch (
  • cargo by Rinkaa — downloads: 4
    (bjornbytes/cargo) LÖVE asset manager
  • Aurora by kxmn — downloads: 84
    A Lua function library to fill your tool set
  • lpm by mzaini30 — downloads: 208
    "npm" for Lua
  • LuaNotify by luarocks — downloads: 398
    Lua package providing tools for implementing observer programming pattern
  • stdfs by rws — downloads: 378
    Filesystem API from C++ std::filesystem.
  • prtr-path by doub — downloads: 384
    A simple module to manipulate file paths in Lua.
  • LUSE by doub — downloads: 201
    Lua bindings for the Filesystems in Userspace (FUSE) library
  • LuaFileSystem by hisham — downloads: 8.5m
    File System Library for the Lua Programming Language
  • luaposix by gvvaughan — downloads: 800k
    Lua bindings for POSIX APIs
  • gauge by roskosmosiv37 — downloads: 33
    Pure lua port of "demo" and "test" functions from GNU Octave.
  • lua-path by moteus — downloads: 287k
    File system path manipulation library
  • inotify by hoelzro — downloads: 13k
    Inotify bindings for Lua
  • datafile by hisham — downloads: 64.2k
    A library for handling paths when loading data files
  • lpath by Xavier Wang — downloads: 3,648
    a OS specified path manipulation module for Lua
  • lunix by daurnimator — downloads: 3,892
    Lua Unix Module.