Modules labeled 'kong' (30)
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- KongAPI Gateway middleware plugin for replacing patterns for strings in REQUEST PATH. Accepts string.gsub parameters.
- Integrate Kong with ChurnZero using HTTP API
- Replaces user specified searches in html responses
- Reroute a request to a custom service if header value matches with the configuration, before calls the upstream service.
- A Kong plugin for adding/linking consumers to the email response within userInfo returned by the kong-oidc project
- Kong plugin to authenticate requests using external http services.
- kong-plugin-sa-jwt-claims-validate is a plugin for kong v2 family, that helps to validate JWT token contents before accessing your API
- Reroute a request to a custom service if heder value matches with the configuration. The custom service will bem called after the upstream service.
- A Kong plugin that will add a sticky deviceuid cookie to all request
- A plugin for Kong which adds a signed JWT with extended payload to HTTP Headers of outgoing requests
- Kong plugin to allow requests based on trigger key and value pair.
- A Kong plugin, that let you use an external Oauth 2.0 provider to protect your API
- a plugin of kong to sync from eureka application instances register to kong server
- A Kong custom plugin, that allows rewrite url using regex.
- Crafts JWT plugin for succesfully authenticated requests based on consumer JWT credential.
- Reroute a request to a custom service if header value mathces with configuration, and not calls the upstream service.
- A Kong plugin for validating HTTP requests against OpenAPI specifications.
- A Kong plugin that allows for an extra HTTP POST request before proxying the original.
- Extracts specific JWT claims and adds them as headers
- A Kong plugin, that let you use an external Oauth 2.0 provider to protect your API
- Kong Plungin to act as an AMQP 0.9.1 client
- This is a Kong Plugin that extracts the subdomain from a url and sets it as a header.
- This plugin provides a reverse proxy cache implementation for Kong.
- Kong plugin to do service to service authentication with upstream services running in GCP
- Kong plugin to wrap each API call with a circuit breaker
- Kong plugin to route requests based on the response of an IO call
- Plugin for routing to a host based on request header
- A Kong plugin that validates requests agains a running Spherical instance before proxying the original.
- This plugin has the same purpose as the [rate-limiting plugin](, although but this implementation has better accuracy.
- Scalable Rate Limiter plugin for Kong API Gateway