All modules labeled 'math' (34)
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- C99 extensions for the math library
- Damerau-Leveinshtein Distance
- Fast Hadamard and Walsh Transforms
- Numerical routines for Lua
- Evolution search optimization
- A simple arbitrary precision library
- Damerau-Leveinshtein Distance
- Runge-Kutta methods for integrating systems of differential equations
- A lua wrapper for exprtk (C++ Mathematical Expression Parsing And Evaluation Library)
- A simple arbitrary precision library
- an interval arithmetic library
- Support for complex numbers in Lua
- Lua decNumber, a Lua 5.1 wrapper for IBM decNumber
- C99 extensions for the math library
- Fast Fourier Transform library
- Some random helper functions, wrapped in a package.
- # moontempo (Lua)
- some Digital Filters - Butterworth, Chebyschev and Bessel.
- Lua bindings to libtomcrypt and libtommath
- a high-precision mathematical library
- Bridge between C-arrays and Lua multi-dimensional tables.
- IP address mangling library
- Lua decNumber, a Lua 5.1 wrapper for IBM decNumber
- Mathematical program
- Arbitrarily large integer library for Lua 5.1+
- A numerical library for Lua based on GSL
- A complete arbitrary precision library
- Evolution search optimization
- Runge-Kutta methods for integrating systems of differential equations
- Fast Hadamard and Walsh Transforms
- A module to calculate prime numbers and prime factorizations in Lua.
- Linear algebra and statistics for Lua.
- Cellular automata and geometry in Lua.
- Simple and naïve vectorization for Lua.