root Manifest (1662)
This page lists modules in the manifest that contain
development versions. See the complete list of modules on the main root
manifest page.
$ luarocks install --server= <name>
- Easy ANSI Color Maker
- Easy and portable HTTP(s) requests
- A neovim plugin that lets you easily create Telescope pickers from arbitrary console commands
- Easily create and manage predefined window layouts, bringing a new edge to your workflow
- An unofficial collection of linters and formatters configured for efm-langserver for neovim.
- Elasticsearch client for the Lua language
- Neovim plugin for Elixir
- Embeddable Lua Profiler is a pure Lua statistical/sampling profiler.
- Embeddable Lua Scheduler is a pure Lua module to manage timers.
- Graphviz, Lilypond (etc.) support for the SILE typesetting system.
- Display time in a emoji clock
- Manipulate with environment variables
- Tool for working with ESP8266/ESP32 + NodeMCU projects
- Lua library for using Linux evdev & uinput interfaces
- Implementation of EventEmitter for Lua.
- A Lua port of the Everforest colour scheme
- Personal methodology to deal with Error, Warning and Debugging.
- Lua Exceptions
- Seamlessly refactor code chunks within your projects while keeping an eye on the initial implementation
- BDD expect notation for LUA tests
- expect package plugin for promises
- expect package plugin for spies
- Expiration daemon for bee
- WIP: Statusline written in pure lua. Supports co-routines, functions and jobs.
- Functional methods for tables and strings. Include oop tables (like-array) too.
- Redis mock
- Some fancy table of contents for the SILE typesetting system.
- Colorscheme collection
- Facebook's extensions to torch.
- A Lua module for writing FastCGI applications
- fcitx5 user interface inside neovim
- Lisp that compiles to Lua
- A language server that analyzes Fennel, a lisp that compiles to Lua
- Elegant Lua unit testing
- LuaJIT FFI Bindings for bzlib
- Socket utilities
- A lua library/'class' that implements a FIFO
- A simplification of the Love engine's threading model.
- A wrapper around LuaFileSystem that implements some more functions.
- Get OS temporary directory
- Provides a 'finally' function.
- Enter ex-commands in a nice floating input.
- A Firebase database REST module in Lua
- Embed Neovim in Chrome, Firefox & others.
- Navigate your code with search labels, enhanced character motions and Treesitter integration