root Manifest (4842)
$ luarocks install --server= <name>
- Bit array library for lua
- Packed Bitfield Type Library for Lua
- Tiny library for bitwise operations
- Determines the bitness of Lua
- Bitwise operators in pure Lua using Lua numbers
- bitser LuaJIT serialization library.
- Parse and write Bitsy files
- bit-vector module
- Openssl binding for Lua
- BK-trees, commonly used for finding near matches to strings.
- Blackjack is a simple and extremely extensible static site generator written in lua.
- Utilities for the AwesomeWM
- Simple and Small extensions for lua
- Blowfish bindings to lua.
- BME280 I²C Atmospheric Sensor driver
- Bolt protocol library for communication with graph databases.
- OpenResty module for BotBye Bot Protection
- Lua client package for Botway.
- Lua Box
- A LuaJIT to BPF compiler.
- bpfaas lua SDK, placeholder, coming soon.
- Chat bot engine based on Markov chains
- Lua binding for BriefLZ compression library
- Simple library to querying brightness for Lua 5+ and LuaJIT.
- A small but useful module
- Lua bindings for Mbed TLS
- Lua bindings for PCRE2
- A VM that runs compiled brocatel scripts.
- Luajit ffi library for brotli compression.
- Delete Neovim buffers without losing window layout
- A snazzy bufferline for Neovim
- buffered I/O module.
- A collision detection library for Lua
- A 3D collision detection library for Lua
- Elegant Lua unit testing.
- Codewars output handler for Busted
- Elegant Lua unit testing.
- busted extension to retry flaky specs
- The busted output handler that conbine htest and junit.
- A pretty output handler for Busted
- A JSON Lines output handler for Busted
- An extra mocking layer for OpenResty in busted testing environment.
- Installs a stable version of busted
- Add Teal capabilities to Busted 🧙
- TestEZ injected into Busted
- Preprocessor for shell files