root Manifest (4843)
$ luarocks install --server= <name>
- Library for easily building chained calls in Lua.
- Colorize strings to create nice messages in terminal
- Lua sqlite ORM
- A library for Mersenne Twister random number generator in lua
- toml decoder/encoder for Lua (lua-toml fork)
- APT wrapper written and configured in Lua.
- Some useful string methods.
- ChatGPT Neovim Plugin: Effortless Natural Language Generation with OpenAI's ChatGPT API
- A simple Matrix SDK for Lua.
- change current working directory.
- Easy, terse, readable and fast function arguments type checking
- Chess position in FEN syntax
- Simple ANSI colors for Lua
- High resolution monotonic timers
- CIFAR dataset
- CIFAR-10 Dataset
- Kong plugin to rewrite domain and base path in Location header of 301/302 responses, handling both absolute and relative URLs.
- A minimalist, fast and high configurable web framework for LuaJIT on mnet or nginx
- Smooth scrolling for ANY command 🤯. A Neovim plugin written in Lua!
- A Kong plugin to encrypt file logs
- Cqueues Internet Relay Chat Library for Everyone
- Cirru Parser in Lua(MoonScript)
- CI template for Neovim plugin project.
- A Lua implementation of the Citation Style Language (CSL)
- core lua library for the project
- Simple but effective Lua type system using metatables
- Simple but effective Lua type system using metatables
- A command-line evaluator library that supports shell-like command lines and s-expressions.
- Clangd's off-spec features for neovim's LSP client. Use instead
- class creation with inheritance and constructor
- Tiny class module for Lua.
- A small library for class-based OO.
- A library for class-based OO.
- Unicode CLDR data and Lua interface
- Declaratively build command line interfaces.
- library to create cli-apps based on cmd4lua and alogger
- Neovim Lua plugin to paste image from clipboard.
- Cloak allows you to overlay *'s over defined patterns in defined files.
- clock and time functions.
- Access Google Cloud Storage from Lua
- C extensions for LuaCov
- A simple API for sqlite3
- Lua wrapper for libcmark, CommonMark Markdown parsing and rendering library
- Pure-lua implementation of complex numbers
- A library for convenient and quick creation of command handlers
- CMDBuild SOAP API Wrapper