$ luarocks install --server=https://luarocks.org/manifests/-asm <name>
- Shared functions for mjolnir._asm modules.
- Listen to notifications sent by other apps, and maybe send some yourself.
- Provide Lua 5.1 compatibility functions in Mjolnir
- Functions for data encoding and decoding within Mjolnir.
- base64 encoding and decoding functions for Mjolnir
- Json encoding and decoding functions for Mjolnir
- Functions providing access to the clipboard in Mjolnir.
- For tapping into input events (mouse, keyboard, trackpad) for observation and possibly overriding them. This module requires mjolnir_asm.eventtap.event.
- Functionality to inspect, modify, and create events for mjolnir_asm.eventtap is provided by this module.
- Connivence module for including all ported hydra functionality.
- Execute Applescript from within Mjolnir.
- Control the Mjolnir dock icon.
- Hydra's spaces module setosxshadows function for Mjolnir. This module uses undocumented APIs.
- Provide IPC access to Mjolnir for command line acceess
- Mjolnir command line interface
- Modal hotkey from Hydra ported to Mjolnir
- Module versioning for Mjolnir.
- Apple's built-in notifications system for Mjolnir.
- Watch paths recursively for changes in Mjolnir
- Functions for user-defined settings that persist across Mjolnir launches.
- Manipulate the system's audio devices.
- Functions for getting battery info.
- Functions for manipulating display brightness.
- Functions for getting and setting the position of the mouse pointer.
- Execute functions with various timing rules in Mjolnir
- A more powerful use of Apple's built-in notifications system for Mjolnir.
- Mjolnir access to NSSound via lua.
- Undocumented bluetooth functions.
- Undocumented CGSDebug features, including Hydra's shadow command.
- Undocumented coredock features.
- Functions providing basic support for UTF-8 encodings within Mjolnir.
- Watch paths recursively for changes in Mjolnir
- Watch for screen layout changes in Mjolnir