$ luarocks install --server=https://luarocks.org/manifests/Freed-Wu <name>
- vim-airline plugin which add file type icon through nerdfont.vim
- Code::Stats plugin for Neovim
- Display emoji in your vim
- Neovim extension for C++ Insights
- Vim extension for C++ Insights.
- generate a graphviz graph from a lua table structure
- Embed Neovim in Chrome, Firefox & others.
- Use luagit2 to realize a :Git in neovim
- auto switch IME for neovim.
- 基于cppjieba的neovim中文词跳转
- A luarocks build module for autotools
- powerlevel10k style for luaprompt
- ㄓ rime for neovim
- A neovim plugin to detect the encoding of a text file.
- Powerful template engine/plugin for vim
- A cross-platform build utility based on Lua