
A Lua 5.x parser written with LPeg

$ luarocks install lua-parser

This is a Lua 5.3 parser written with LPeg that generates an AST in
the format specified by Metalua.
The parser also implements an error reporting technique that is
based on tracking the farthest failure position.


1.0.3-11 year ago882 downloads
1.0.2-12 years ago869 downloads
1.0.1-15 years ago442 downloads
1.0.0-18 years ago(revision: 2)689 downloads
0.1.1-110 years ago218 downloads
0.1-210 years ago78 downloads
0.1-110 years ago71 downloads


LPegLabel >= 1.6.0
lua >= 5.1

Dependency for

glum, luaflow
