
$ luarocks install --server= <name>


  • bint by edubart — downloads: 1,844
    Arbitrary precision integer arithmetic library in pure Lua
  • cartesix by edubart — downloads: 63
    A value dumping library for quick debugging
  • dumper by edubart — downloads: 2,579
    A value dumping library for quick debugging
  • hasher by edubart — downloads: 4,333
    A simple library for hashing implemented in C
  • lbc by edubart — downloads: 10.3k
    A simple arbitrary precision library
  • lcomplex by edubart — downloads: 491
    Support for complex numbers in Lua
  • lester by edubart — downloads: 251
    Minimal test framework for Lua
  • limath by edubart — downloads: 23.3k
    An arbitrary-precision integer library for Lua based on imath.
  • lint64 by edubart — downloads: 533
    A library for using 64-bit integers in Lua.
  • linterval by edubart — downloads: 354
    An interval arithmetic library for Lua based on fi_lib
  • lpegrex by edubart — downloads: 329
    LPeg Regular Expression eXtended
  • lqmath by edubart — downloads: 156
    A rational number library for Lua based on imath.
  • lrandom by edubart — downloads: 781k
    A library for generating random numbers for Lua based on the Mersenne Twister
  • luamon by edubart — downloads: 1,444
    Watch source changes and automatically restart (for live development)