
(Remote) logging for Exasol and other Lua contexts

$ luarocks install remotelog

"remotelog" provides a logger for Lua that can log message to a remote log receiver listening on a TCP
port of a host reachable from the machine producing the log entries.

It can also be used for simple console logging. If the connection cannot be established, the log automatically
falls back to STDOUT (in some cases this will at least let the messages appear in a local log file).

"remotelog" depends on LuaSocket (MIT license). Note that on an Exasol cluster LuaSocket is pre-installed.

You can find the user guide in the projects GitHub repository.


- LuaSocket:
- User guide:
You can find the [user guide]( in the
projects GitHub repository.


1.1.1-12 years ago1,012 downloads
1.1.0-12 years ago46 downloads
1.0.1-12 years ago281 downloads
1.0.0-12 years ago9 downloads

Dependency for

luasql-exasol, virtual-schema-common-lua, virtual-schema-common-lua
