
an Unit Testing Framework

$ luarocks install lua-testmore

lua-TestMore is a port of the Perl5 module Test::More.

It uses the Test Anything Protocol as output,
that allows a compatibility with the Perl QA ecosystem.

It's an extensible framework.

It allows a simple and efficient way to write tests (without OO style).

Some tests could be marked as TODO or skipped.

Errors could be fully checked with error_like().

It supplies a Test Suite for Lua itself.


0.3.7-11 year ago3,165 downloads
0.3.6-1Archived85 days ago3,190 downloads
0.3.5-2Archived85 days ago2,175 downloads
0.3.5-1Archived6 years ago24 downloads
0.3.4-1Archived6 years ago113 downloads
0.3.3-1Archived6 years ago1,818 downloads
0.3.2-1Archived6 years ago4,993 downloads
0.3.1-1Archived6 years ago735 downloads
0.3.0-1Archived6 years ago94 downloads
0.2.4-2Archived6 years ago367 downloads
0.2.3-2Archived6 years ago79 downloads
0.2.2-1Archived6 years ago129 downloads
0.2.1-1Archived6 years ago71 downloads
0.2.0-1Archived6 years ago96 downloads
0.1.0-1Archived6 years ago30 downloads


lua >= 5.1

Dependency for

lua-Coat, lua-Coat, lua-CoatPersistent-lsqlite3, lua-CoatPersistent-LuaSQL, lua-CodeGen, lua-CodeGen, lua-Spore, lua-Spore, lua-TestAssertion, lua-TestLongString, lua-TestLongString

