$ luarocks install --server=https://luarocks.org/manifests/hisham <name>
- A pretty output handler for Busted
- C extensions for LuaCov
- Compatibility module providing Lua-5.2-style APIs for Lua 5.1
- Copas add-on to provide true asynchronus threads
- Cooperative Multithreading using Lua Coroutines
- Coroutine safe xpcall and pcall
- A library for handling paths when loading data files
- String interpolation for Lua.
- Awesome WM utilities for GoboLinux.
- An "Alt-Tab" window switching widget for Awesome WM.
- A battery widget for Awesome WM.
- A Bluetooth widget for Awesome WM.
- A GoboNet widget for Awesome WM.
- Lua GraphQL implementation
- Class Models for Lua
- Component Models for Lua
- Utility Classes using LOOP
- A Lua binding to Julian Seward's libbzip2
- A static analyzer and a linter for Lua
- Coverage analysis tool for Lua scripts
- File System Library for the Lua Programming Language
- A OMG IDL Compiler Front End
- A Lua client for the Mastodon social network
- HTTP requests made easy! Support for HTTPS, Basic Auth, Digest Auth. HTTP response parsing has never been easier!
- AWS SDK for OpenResty
- The package manager for Lua
- A LuaRocks build backend for Teal modules using Cyan
- A LuaRocks build backend for Lua modules written in Rust
- LuaRocks package loader
- Minimal Lua binding for syntect, a syntax highlighting library
- Tuple of Values for Lua.
- Simple streaming interface to zlib for Lua.
- A tiny module for tracing functions executed by a Lua script.
- Lua bindings to the ZLib compression library
- An Object Request Broker in Lua
- A simple server API for writing REST services running over WSAPI.
- A Xavante plugin for RestServer.
- Paranoid Lua programming
- A port of the Python subprocess module to Lua
- detect the architecture and OS without forking subprocesses
- yet another library for visualizing Lua tables
- The compiler for Teal, a typed dialect of Lua
- HTTP Basic Authentication for WSAPI