
HTTP requests made easy! Support for Basic Auth, Digest Auth. HTTP response parsing has never been easier!

$ luarocks install lua-requests

Similar to Requests for python.
The goal of lua-requests is to make HTTP simple and easy to use.
Currently Basic Authentication and Digest Authentication are supported.
Checkout the wiki on the github page for more details. Written in pure lua!


1.2-24 years ago19,601 downloads
1.2-16 years ago13,148 downloads
1.2-06 years ago12,328 downloads
1.1-19 years ago15,267 downloads
1.1-09 years ago124 downloads
1.0-09 years ago1,174 downloads


lua >= 5.1
LuaSec >= 0.5.1, < 0.8-1

Dependency for

adal-lua, code-stats.nvim, crayon, kong-auth-key-jwt-server, lua-mastodon, lua-myallocator, lua-payssion, lua-recaptcha, lua-resty-aws-email, Luark, lua-ssllabs, lua-twilio, tomba, web-driver

