
Manage your bibliography from within your favourite editor

$ luarocks install papis.nvim

Papis.nvim is a neovim companion plugin for the bibliography manager papis.
It's meant for all those who do academic and other writing in neovim and who
want quick access to their bibliography from within the comfort of their editor.


0.6.1-140 days ago84 downloads
0.6.0-166 days ago73 downloads
0.5.1-180 days ago35 downloads
0.5.0-181 days ago1 download
0.4.0-186 days ago4 downloads
0.3.3-190 days ago2 downloads
0.3.2-194 days ago2 downloads
0.1.0-198 days ago(revision: 2)4 downloads


lua >= 5.1
