A networking suite for LuaJIT2 and Linux, optimized for performance.

$ luarocks install turbo

Turbo.lua is just another framework to create network programs for Linux. It uses kernel
event polling to manage network connections instead of the traditional concurency models that employ
threads. As it does not use threads, no locks, mutexes or other bad things are required. It solves the
same issues as Node.js, Tornado etc. except it solves it with Lua. A simple, yet powerful language that
fits nicely with the event polling model with its builtin coroutines.


2.1-27 years ago11,456 downloads
2.1-17 years ago774 downloads
2.1-08 years ago599 downloads
2.0-49 years ago8,977 downloads
2.0-39 years ago140 downloads
2.0-29 years ago65 downloads
2.0-19 years ago171 downloads
2.0-09 years ago34 downloads
1.1-69 years ago32 downloads
1.1-59 years ago53 downloads
1.1-49 years ago102 downloads
1.1-39 years ago101 downloads
1.1-09 years ago15 downloads
dev-1dev9 years ago1 download

Dependency for

lightdrop, riseml, squirt, turbo-fetch, turbo-multipart-post, turbo-sqlite3, turbo-telegram, vklib

