
Discover, Monitor, and Secure your APIs at object/data level using this Kong Plugin

$ luarocks install imp-appsec-connector

The Imperva API Security plugin connects Kong Gateway with the Imperva API Security service, providing continuous discovery and monitoring of APIs exposed by the API gateway. This enables security teams to protect business applications and data against unauthorized access.

The plugin operates with a very low CPU and memory footprint, avoiding any negative impact on the inline performance of the gateway or your applications.

The Imperva API Security plugin captures API calls with request/response payloads and sends them to the Imperva API Security service for inspection. API calls are copied and streamed through Kong Gateway. You provide the API Security receiver service endpoint though the plugin’s configuration, so the API data is kept under the control of the application owner.


1.2.1-0115 days ago24 downloads
1.2.0-01 year ago140 downloads
1.1.1-1154 days ago15 downloads
1.1.1-0155 days ago15 downloads
1.1.0-01 year ago38 downloads


lua >= 5.1
