
Lua utility libraries loosely based on the Python standard libraries

Penlight is a set of pure Lua libraries for making it easier to work with common tasks like
iterating over directories, reading configuration files and the like. Provides functional operations
on tables and sequences.


scm-2dev9 years ago0 downloads
scm-1dev9 years ago0 downloads
1.3.1-19 years ago66 downloads
1.1.0-39 years ago257 downloads
1.1.0-29 years ago71 downloads
1.1.0-19 years ago41 downloads
1.0.0-19 years ago163 downloads
0.9.8-19 years ago85 downloads
0.9.5-19 years ago79 downloads
0.9.4-19 years ago40 downloads
0.8-19 years ago107 downloads


Dependency for

AC-LuaServer, amber-apigw, api7-lua-resty-dns-client, APIcast, APIOAK, apisix, arweave, aspect, atlas, busted, busted, busted, busted, busted-tl, Cassowary, ccrunx-compose, cldr, cmft-base-kong, cmft-kong, combustion, commonmark, cwtest, dd-lua-tester, ddt, dns, docroc, dogmac, dogma-core, eaw-abstraction-layer, fauxo, fffonion-busted, fffonion-lua-resty-kafka, fluent, Formatter, FormatterFiveOne, fss, gin, glyphify, homie, kong, kong, kong-lua-resty-kafka, kong-oidc-google-groups, kRPC, ldoc, ldoc, ldoc, ldoc, libssh, llscheck, LuaBehave, luacov-html, luadist2, LuaDocumentor, luagq, luahue, luaish-windows, luaish-windows, luakuroshiro, LuaLoL, luals2dox, luamon, lua-resty-aws, lua-resty-aws, lua-resty-dns-client, lua-resty-etcd, lua-resty-gaze, lua-resty-healthcheck, lua-resty-healthcheck-alins, lua-resty-healthcheck-api7, lua-resty-uh, luatbot, luatest, LuaTwit, mocka, moonrocks, multipart, nested-cli, nokia-fork-lua-resty-dns-client, npssdk, orange, pokitdok, rockexp, rockspec2cmake, sile, tlua, trepl-torchless, twrl, wowcig
