$ luarocks install --server=https://luarocks.org/manifests/luarocks <name>
metalua-parser by luarocks — downloads: 29.7k Metalua's parser: converting Lua source strings and files into AST
microlight by luarocks — downloads: 86 A compact set of Lua utility functions.
microscope by luarocks — downloads: 96 Creates images of arbitrary Lua values using GraphViz
middleclass by luarocks — downloads: 112 A simple OOP library for Lua
MIDI by luarocks — downloads: 569 Reading, writing and manipulating MIDI data
midialsa by luarocks — downloads: 783 Provides access to the ALSA sequencer
mimetypes by luarocks — downloads: 367k A simple library for looking up the MIME types of files.
Mixlua by luarocks — downloads: 252 A preprocessor for files including embedded Lua code
mk by luarocks — downloads: 28 Kepler base framework
MobDebug by luarocks — downloads: 892 MobDebug is a remote debugger for the Lua programming language
mobile_detect by luarocks — downloads: 483 Mobile HTTP browser detection library
mod11 by luarocks — downloads: 48 Modulo11 checksum calculator and verificator
modjail by luarocks — downloads: 48 Isolated global environments for Lua modules
mooni by luarocks — downloads: 61 Simple interactive MoonScript
moonscript by luarocks — downloads: 434 A programmer friendly language that compiles to Lua
moses by luarocks — downloads: 164 Utility library for functional programming in Lua
HTTP Multipart Post helper that does just that
Nancy by luarocks — downloads: 155 A simple web site builder
netcheck by luarocks — downloads: 88 A LuaSocket addon that checks changes in the network connection
nixio by luarocks — downloads: 3,111 System, Networking and I/O library for Lua
numextra by luarocks — downloads: 284 Complementary functions for Numeric Lua
NumLua by luarocks — downloads: 2,703 Numerical routines for Lua
OAuth by luarocks — downloads: 528 Lua OAuth, an OAuth client library.
objectlua by luarocks — downloads: 208 A class-oriented OOP module for Lua
odbc by luarocks — downloads: 205 ODBC library for Lua
OiL by luarocks — downloads: 1,863 An Object Request Broker in Lua
Lua wrapper for IConv
pdh by luarocks — downloads: 102 Lua binding to Microsoft Performance Data Helper (PDH) library
penlight by luarocks — downloads: 807 Lua utility libraries loosely based on the Python standard libraries
pe-parser by luarocks — downloads: 48 Portable Executable parser
Petrodoc by luarocks — downloads: 181 Making Rockspecs, HTML and RSS from a single source
pgmoon by luarocks — downloads: 61 Postgres driver for OpenResty and Lua
Pluto by luarocks — downloads: 498 Heavy duty persistence for Lua
pop3 by luarocks — downloads: 371 Simple POP3 client library for Lua 5.1/5.2
prototype by luarocks — downloads: 56 A small library for prototype based OO programming.
prtr-dump by luarocks — downloads: 173 A simple module to dump a Lua value to a string or a file.
prtr-path by luarocks — downloads: 128 A simple module to manipulate file paths in Lua.
prtr-test by luarocks — downloads: 56 A simple module to help in writing Lua modules self-tests.
push by luarocks — downloads: 48 Lua library implementing knockout.js-like observable properties.
ReadKey by luarocks — downloads: 174 simple terminal control, like CPAN's Term::ReadKey
Readline by luarocks — downloads: 291 Interface to the readline library
readosm by luarocks — downloads: 48 OSM XML and PBF file reading through readosm
ReCaptcha by luarocks — downloads: 376 A Lua interface to reCaptcha.
redis-lua by luarocks — downloads: 1,370 A Lua client library for the redis key value storage system.
refser by luarocks — downloads: 297 Fast serialization of tables with references
RemDebug by luarocks — downloads: 1,746 Remote Debugger for the Lua programming language
Rings by luarocks — downloads: 1,547 Create new Lua states from within Lua
rpi-gpio by luarocks — downloads: 222 Lua module to control the GPIO on a Raspberry Pi
SACI by luarocks — downloads: 264 Saci is a document-oriented hierarchical storage system
say by luarocks — downloads: 167 Lua String Hashing/Indexing Library