
Command-Line User Interface, like CPAN's Term::Clui

$ luarocks install commandlineui

This module is modelled on the CPAN's Term::Clui module.
It offers a high-level user interface to give the user of
command-line apps a consistent "look and feel". It contains:
ask(), ask_password(), choose(), confirm(), edit(), inform(), view() etc.
It supports mouse, uft8, history, filename-completion etc.


1.78-03 years ago190 downloads
1.77-06 years ago187 downloads
1.76-07 years ago2,010 downloads
1.75-07 years ago73 downloads
1.74-09 years ago142 downloads
1.73-010 years ago168 downloads
1.72-010 years ago144 downloads
1.71-110 years ago71 downloads
1.70-110 years ago91 downloads
1.69-110 years ago79 downloads


lgdbm >= 20130702
lua >=5.1, <5.5
luaposix >= 31
ReadKey >= 1.2
Readline >= 1.3
Terminfo >= 1.1

