
Parsing Expression Grammars For Lua with Labeled Failures

$ luarocks install lpeglabel

LPegLabel is a conservative extension of the
LPeg (http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg)
library that provides an implementation of Parsing
Expression Grammars (PEGs) with labeled failures.
Labels can be used to signal different kinds of errors
and to specify which recovery pattern should handle a
given label. Labels can also be combined with the standard
patterns of LPeg.

Besides that, LPegLabel also reports the farthest
failure position in case of an ordinary failure
(which is represented by label 'fail').


1.6.2-11 year ago2,886 downloads
1.6.1-12 years ago742 downloads
1.6.0-15 years ago(revision: 2)8,681 downloads
1.5.0-17 years ago8,530 downloads
1.4.0-17 years ago4,472 downloads
1.3.0-17 years ago2,233 downloads
1.2.0-18 years ago539 downloads
1.1.0-18 years ago1,073 downloads
1.0.0-18 years ago65 downloads
0.12.2-28 years ago31 downloads
0.12.2-19 years ago48 downloads


lua >= 5.1

Dependency for

candran, Caribay, hotfix-gen, lacord, lpegrex, lua-glob, lua-lsp, lua-lsp, lua-lsp, lua-parser, molde, parser-gen, xmlpeg

