
Lua utility libraries loosely based on the Python standard libraries

$ luarocks install penlight

Penlight is a set of pure Lua libraries for making it easier to work with common tasks like iterating over directories, reading configuration files and the like. Provides functional operations on tables and sequences.


scm-2dev5 years ago125 downloads
scm-1dev5 years ago458 downloads
1.14.0-2234 days ago394,154 downloads
1.14.0-1249 days ago27,590 downloads
1.13.1-12 years ago1,359,286 downloads
1.13.0-12 years ago307 downloads
1.12.0-22 years ago198,552 downloads
1.12.0-12 years ago79,050 downloads
1.11.0-22 years ago6,566 downloads
1.11.0-13 years ago155,259 downloads
1.10.0-22 years ago1,997 downloads
1.10.0-13 years ago93,140 downloads
1.9.2-22 years ago4,103 downloads
1.9.2-14 years ago522,663 downloads
1.9.1-22 years ago33 downloads
1.9.1-14 years ago1,025 downloads
1.8.1-22 years ago33 downloads
1.8.1-14 years ago1,800 downloads
1.8.0-22 years ago1,648 downloads
1.8.0-14 years ago(revision: 2)37,317 downloads
1.7.0-22 years ago31,595 downloads
1.7.0-15 years ago312,380 downloads
1.6.0-22 years ago1,018 downloads
1.6.0-15 years ago1,097 downloads
1.5.4-15 years ago(revision: 2)1,685,136 downloads
1.5.3-15 years ago(revision: 2)772 downloads
1.5.2-15 years ago(revision: 2)27,986 downloads
1.5.1-15 years ago(revision: 2)1,677 downloads
1.5.0-15 years ago(revision: 2)271 downloads
1.4.1-15 years ago(revision: 2)78,273 downloads
1.4.0-15 years ago(revision: 2)1,462 downloads
1.3.2-25 years ago(revision: 2)324,601 downloads
1.3.1-15 years ago10,795 downloads
1.2.1-15 years ago(revision: 2)351 downloads
1.1.0-35 years ago721 downloads
1.1.0-25 years ago95 downloads
1.1.0-15 years ago90 downloads
1.0.0-15 years ago1,711 downloads
dev-1dev2 years ago(revision: 2)6,669 downloads
0.9.8-15 years ago26,833 downloads
0.9.5-15 years ago545 downloads
0.9.4-15 years ago89 downloads
0.8-15 years ago155 downloads


Dependency for

AC-LuaServer, amber-apigw, api7-lua-resty-aws, api7-lua-resty-dns-client, APIcast, APIOAK, apisix, arweave, aspect, atlas, busted, busted, busted, busted, busted-tl, Cassowary, ccrunx-compose, cldr, cmft-base-kong, cmft-kong, combustion, commonmark, cwtest, dd-lua-tester, ddt, dns, docroc, dogmac, dogma-core, eaw-abstraction-layer, fauxo, fffonion-busted, fffonion-lua-resty-kafka, fluent, Formatter, FormatterFiveOne, fss, gin, glyphify, homie, homie45, kong, kong, kong-lua-resty-kafka, kong-oidc-google-groups, kRPC, ldoc, ldoc, ldoc, ldoc, libssh, llscheck, LuaBehave, luacov-html, luadist2, LuaDocumentor, luagq, luahue, luaish-windows, luaish-windows, luakuroshiro, LuaLoL, luals2dox, luamon, lua-resty-aws, lua-resty-aws, lua-resty-aws, lua-resty-dns-client, lua-resty-etcd, lua-resty-gaze, lua-resty-healthcheck, lua-resty-healthcheck-alins, lua-resty-healthcheck-api7, lua-resty-uh, luatbot, luatest, LuaTwit, mocka, moonrocks, multipart, nested-cli, nokia-fork-lua-resty-dns-client, npssdk, orange, pokitdok, rockexp, rockspec2cmake, sile, tlua, trepl-torchless, twrl, wowcig
