Tool for creating dynamic Web pages and manipulating data from Web forms

$ luarocks install cgilua

CGILua allows the separation of logic and data handling from the
generation of pages, making it easy to develop web applications with
Lua. CGILua can be used with a variety of Web servers and, for each
server, with different launchers. A launcher is responsible for the
interaction of CGILua and the Web server, for example using ISAPI on
IIS or mod_lua on Apache.


cvs-5dev9 years ago21 downloads
cvs-4dev9 years ago1 download
cvs-3dev9 years ago1 download
cvs-2dev9 years ago1 download
6.0.2-04 years ago(revision: 2)4,846 downloads
5.2.1-17 years ago(revision: 4)6,143 downloads
5.1.4-29 years ago16,488 downloads
5.1.4-19 years ago3,471 downloads
5.1.3-19 years ago168 downloads
5.1.2-29 years ago192 downloads
5.1.2rc1-1dev9 years ago54 downloads


lua >= 5.2
LuaFileSystem >= 1.6.0

Dependency for


