$ luarocks install --server=https://luarocks.org/manifests/vitiral <name>
- core lua library for the civboot.org project
- Simple but effective Lua type system using metatables
- Simple but effective Lua type system using metatables
- text markup for civilization
- Documentation and help for Lua types (including core)
- absurdly necessary data structures and algorithms
- Ele: an Extensible Lua Editor
- an ergonomic mechanism to return failure
- filedescriptor interfaces
- find+fix files
- Lua Asynchronous Protocol and helper library
- JSON+ de/serializer in pure lua
- simple but effective Lua type system using metatables
- PEGL: PEG-like recursive descent parser
- local and recursive require
- pkg utilities to work with rockspecs
- Plain old data (POD) de/serialization
- write scripts for Lua, execute from shell
- Tabulated Values
- Civboot VT100 Terminal Library