
A binding for Lua to the SQLite3+SQLCipher database library

$ luarocks install lsqlcipher

lsqlcipher is a thin wrapper around the public domain SQLite3+SQLCipher database engine. lsqlcipher is
dynamically linked to sqlcipher. The statically linked alternative is lsqlciphercomplete.
The lsqlcipher module supports the creation and manipulation of SQLite3+SQLCipher databases.
Most sqlite3 functions are called via an object-oriented interface to either
database or SQL statement objects.

Functions added to lsqlite:
sqlite:key(key[, dbname])
sqlite:rekey(key[, dbname])


0.9.5-33 years ago(revision: 4)274 downloads
0.9.5-23 years ago43 downloads
0.9.5-14 years ago(revision: 10)54 downloads


lua >= 5.1, < 5.5
