Integrate Kong with Traceable
Kong is a scalable and customizable API Management Layer built on top of Nginx.
Kong plugin to convert incoming SOAP/XML requests to the UoA expected REST/JSON format
Kong demo plugin which uppercases received responses
Kong Plugin for Upstream HTTP Basic Authentication
A plugin to insert basic authentication headers to the upstream.
Modify the upstream's environment in the URL
Kong plugin to do service to service authentication with upstream services running in GCP
A Kong plugin to negotiate oauth2 authentication with upstream services
A Kong plugin to negotiate oauth2 authentication with upstream services
A Kong plugin for dynamic upstream URLs based on a request header.
Plugin used to remove route prefix from upstream paths.
A Kong custom plugin, that allows rewrite url using regex.
KongAPI Gateway middleware plugin for replacing patterns for strings in REQUEST PATH. Accepts string.gsub parameters.
KongAPI Gateway middleware plugin for url-rewrite purposes.
Capture API requests and responses to your own data lake
A plugin for Kong which validate the profile ID specified in header to verify if user can acess the route.
Kong 等待重试插件
This plugin sends request and response logs to Kafka.
WSSE auth plugin for Kong API gateway. - DEPRECATED - TO BE REMOVED
Kong is a scalable and customizable API Management Layer built on top of Nginx.
The Kong XML Threat Protection plugin.
This plugin allows Kong to propagate Zipkin headers and report to a Zipkin server
kong-plugin-zipkin by kong — downloads: 279k This plugin allows Kong to propagate Zipkin headers and report to a Zipkin server
A Kong plugin for performing configurable operations after auth plugins run
A Kong plugin for performing configurable operations before auth plugins run
Prometheus metrics for Kong and upstreams configured in Kong
kong-proxer by fenix-hub — downloads: 367 A Kong plugin that allows access to an upstream url through a proxy
HTTP Proxy Caching for Kong
kong-redis-cluster by kong — downloads: 276k Openresty lua client for redis cluster
Kong plugin to allow requests based on trigger key and value pair.
Kong Plugin for Request Header
Kong plugin to authenticate requests using http services.
Kong Plugin for Response Log
This plugin will protect the client from consuming API responses that are deemed to large within the Kong API Gateway.
Kong plugin for Chaitin SafeLine Web Application Firewall
Scalable Rate Limiter plugin for Kong API Gateway
A Kong plugin that sends request logs to Segment track() API to track user activity.
This plugin enables virtual API request and response pair mocking on the Kong API Gateway before the actual backend service is ready to serve transactions
This package send request with token to authen services
Kong Plugin for Request Validator
Siteminder authentication integration with the Kong Gateway
The Kong agent for Apache SkyWalking
kong-slack-hmac by erran — downloads: 965k Plugin to expose the specification/contract of auth protected API services fronted by the Kong gateway
Kong Plugin that Sends Logs to Splunk
Kong plugin designed to log API transactions to Splunk
Kong plugin designed to log API transactions to Splunk. This is a customized version on top of Optum's original