All Modules (5510)
- A Kong ACL plugin for oidc plugin
- This package check time
- Traffic Shadowing plugin for Kong API Gateway
- Log API Request and Response Data to Kong STDOUT
- kong uma rs
- Kong Plugin for Upstream HTTP HMAC Authentication
- A plugin for Kong which adds a signed JWT to HTTP Headers of outgoing requests
- A plugin for Kong which adds a signed JWT with extended payload to HTTP Headers of outgoing requests
- Kong plugin to route based on user_agent_header
- A Lua framework
- Postgres driver for OpenResty and Lua
- kqueue bindings for lua
- Client library for kRPC, a Remote Procedure Call server for Kerbal Space Program
- Neovim plugin for various kubernetes related functions.
- helper module for treating tables as Key-Value pairs.
- A lua REPL
- Cross-referencing package for the SILE typesetting system.
- A low level, lightweight discord API library.
- A generic client for lacord.
- Layout, widgets and utilities for Awesome WM
- A Lua-based Build Tool
- An alarm library for Lua
- Lua bindings for the Allegro5 game programming library
- Atomic lambda string-parser
- A practical functional library for lua programmers.
- Lua binding for fight the landlord.
- Multithreading support for Lua
- Multithreading support for Lua
- A pure lua library for management of strings geared towards localization purposes.
- Lua language detection library
- Lua Asynchronous Protocol and helper library
- A web framework for MoonScript & Lua
- Annotate Lapis models with a comment describing schema
- Naive Bayes classifier for use in Lua
- Cache engines for Lapis Framework
- A drop in, full featured community and comment system for Lapis projects
- An interactive web based console for Lapis
- A base crud class for creating basic crud routes
- A widget base class designed for generating ES modules for bundling JavaScript & more
- Track Lapis exceptions to database and email when they happen
- Converts HTML files to Lapis webframework layouts
- Redis integration with lapis
- Redis integration with lapis
- Use wkhtmltoimage to automatically screenshot pages when running tests
- Integrate Lapis with systemd
- Tarantool integration with lapis