nvim-parinfer by neorocks — downloads: 1,769 Parinfer for Neovim.
👀 dynamically interact with vim registers
📌 the no-nonsense session manager
nvim-scrollbar by neorocks — downloads: 1,943 Extensible Neovim Scrollbar
nvim-scrollview by neorocks — downloads: 2,024 A Neovim plugin that displays interactive vertical scrollbars and signs.
Send code to your Julia REPL, get diagnostics in return.
nvim-snippets by neorocks — downloads: 1,417 Snippet support using native neovim snippets
nvim-snippy by neorocks — downloads: 2,033 Snippet plugin for Neovim written in Lua
nvim-spectre by neorocks — downloads: 2,379 Find the enemy and replace them with dark power.
nvim-spider by neorocks — downloads: 2,126 Use the w, e, b motions like a spider. Move by subwords and skip insignificant punctuation.
nvim-surround by kylechui — downloads: 593 Add/change/delete surrounding delimiter pairs with ease.
Cycle through telescope configurations
nvim-treehopper by neorocks — downloads: 1,945 Region selection with hints on the AST nodes of a document powered by treesitter
A File Explorer For Neovim
Nvim Treesitter configurations and abstraction layer
Show code context
nvim-treesitter legacy lua API
Syntax aware text-objects, select, move, swap, and peek support.
nvim-ts-autotag by neorocks — downloads: 2,763 Use treesitter to auto close and auto rename html tag
Neovim treesitter plugin for setting the commentstring based on the cursor location in a file.
nvim-ufo by kevinhwang91 — downloads: 243 Not UFO in the sky, but an ultra fold in Neovim.
Bundle of more than 30 new text objects for Neovim.
Nerd Font icons for neovim
This plugins prompts the user to pick a window and returns the window id of the picked window.
nvtx by apaszke — downloads: 107 NVIDIA Tools Extension Library wrapper for Torch
nwunsch by 0xnu — downloads: 40 A Lua package for performing Needleman-Wunsch sequence alignment.
nx-kong-oidc by newtonx — downloads: 67 A Kong plugin for implementing the OpenID Connect Relying Party (RP) functionality
Lua library for HTTP cookie manipulations for OpenResty/ngx_lua
nysiis by 0xnu — downloads: 35 NYSIIS phonetic encoding algorithm.
oasvalidator by nawaz1991 — downloads: 168 LUA module to validate HTTP requests against OpenAPI.
OAuth by luarocks — downloads: 528 Lua OAuth, an OAuth client library.
OAuth by ignacio — downloads: 164k Lua OAuth, an OAuth client library.
oauth2 by aryajur — downloads: 609 To provide API to connect and use services secured by the oAuth 2.0 protocol using Lua.
oauth2-acl by vrubenjn — downloads: 140 Kong Plugin for scopes based ACLs.
oauth2c by mah0x211 — downloads: 68 OAuth2 client library for lua.
Kong Oauth JWKS validator
oauth_light by darkstalker — downloads: 1,073 Minimal implementation of OAuth 1.0
A Kong plugin, that validate expiry of external oauth token
An overseer.nvim template provider for Bazel.
OBEY by Positive07 — downloads: 68 A simple and configurable task automation tool.
obj by MrSyabro — downloads: 49 Simple Lua oriented OOP
objc.lua by lukaskollmer — downloads: 211 Lua ⇆ Objective-C bridge (experimental)
objectlua by luarocks — downloads: 210 A class-oriented OOP module for Lua
obsidian.nvim by neorocks — downloads: 2,205 Obsidian + Neovim
ocsg by roys — downloads: 58 OpenCSG bindings for dispaying constructive solid geometry (CSG) models efficiently.
octoflow by blizzlike — downloads: 1,831 travis workflow framework
octo.nvim by neorocks — downloads: 2,183 Edit and review GitHub issues and pull requests from the comfort of your favorite editor
octopus by develCuy — downloads: 71 Octopus web server library.
odbc by moteus — downloads: 4,111 ODBC library for Lua
odbc by luarocks — downloads: 205 ODBC library for Lua