All Modules (5526)
- Redis library for Lua, with optional non-blocking mode and Lua-style lists & sets.
- Small Table Loader Sif. Tabs (\t) and newlines (\n) encode tables
- signal module
- Simon’s Improved Layout Engine
- Extension layer for SILE and resilient
- Проста імплементація класів з інших популярних мов програмувань до Lua
- A Lua binding to SimpleITK.
- A simple json serializer for Lua.
- Simulua is a discrete-event process-oriented simulation library for Lua.
- A client library to easily pull data from sinx.
- A collection of useful cli prompts
- A tool for assembling static webpages with markdown
- A self-adjusting, mergeable min heap
- Skip-thoughts models for Torch7
- A library for generating HTML functionally
- The Nginx Lua agent for Apache SkyWalking
- The Nginx Lua agent for Apache SkyWalking
- The Nginx Lua agent for Apache SkyWalking
- The Nginx Lua agent for Apache SkyWalking
- SAX-like streaming XML parser for Lua
- Millisecond-precision sleep function
- Slingshot releases rocks!
- Simple line logger
- A cryptography library
- A Unicode library
- A JSON decoder and encoder written in pure Lua
- A simple Lua template processor.
- A Neovim plugin hiding your colorcolumn when unneeded.
- Fast file-finding
- Typographic quotation marks with the SILE typesetting system.
- Smart, seamless, directional navigation and resizing of Neovim + terminal multiplexer splits. Supports tmux, Wezterm, and Kitty. Think about splits in terms of "up/down/left/right".
- A MoonScript game engine through LibGDX.
- A smaz compression library for Lua
- SMBus Lua bindings with C++ backend
- A lightweight SNMP agent with private MIB in Lua
- A very complete internationalization library for Lua with LÖVE support
- Displays a sub-cursor to show scroll direction.
- Handler and processors for SMS events produced by SMS Server Tools 3 (smstools3).
- Lua module with helpers for processing message files of SMS Server Tools 3 (smstools3).
- Mail gateway for sending SMS from XMail via SMS Server Tools 3 (smstools3).
- 🍿 A collection of small QoL plugins for Neovim
- Interface with the snap subsystem from within a snap.
- A tool that compiles sncl code to ncl
- Efficient targetted menu built for fast buffer navigation
- An implementation of a distributed ID generator, similar to Snowflake by Twitter
- Snowplow event tracker for Lua