str by evandrolg — downloads: 900 str is an string module with useful methods that do not exist in Lua core
strbuffer by DarkWiiPlayer — downloads: 4,446 A simple, pure lua string buffer using tables
A fast library to parse streams of CSV-data as well as generate it
strease by deadapi — downloads: 16 A handy string manipulation library for Lua.
strictness by luarocks — downloads: 54 Tracks declaration and assignment of globals in Lua
strictness by Yonaba — downloads: 374 Tracks declaration and assignment of globals in Lua
converts the first letter a-z of each word to uppercase.
string-contains by mah0x211 — downloads: 6,976 tests whether a substring is contained in a string or not.
Damerau-Leveinshtein Distance
Damerau-Leveinshtein Distance
stringenc by Freed-Wu — downloads: 1 Converting a string between different encodings
stringex by mah0x211 — downloads: 6,541 additional features to the string module.
string-format by mah0x211 — downloads: 5,012 formatted output conversion module with asprintf and snprintf.
A submodule of the lua-string-format module.
StringifyLua by Perkovec — downloads: 117 Converting lua table to string
stringio by luarocks — downloads: 62 Reading and writing Lua strings as file objects
stringio by steved — downloads: 215 Reading and writing Lua strings as file objects
Lua String manipulation made easy!
string-random by mah0x211 — downloads: 924 generate a random string.
string-replace by mah0x211 — downloads: 1,121 replaces a specified string with another specified string.
string-split by mah0x211 — downloads: 22.2k split a string into an array of substrings.
stringstream by gilzoide — downloads: 252 An object that loads chunks of strings on demand compatible with a subset of the Lua string API suitable for parsing
string-token by mah0x211 — downloads: 120 Verifiable string token module.
string-trim by mah0x211 — downloads: 19.6k strip the space at both ends of string.
stringy by luarocks — downloads: 155 C extension for fast string methods
stringy by brentp — downloads: 65k C extension for fast string methods
stringy by mdeneen — downloads: 105k C extension for fast string methods
striter by CafeHaine — downloads: 136 The simple lua library to iterate through files and strings.
strong by xpol — downloads: 294 A Lua library that makes your strings stronger!
Strongstring defines functions for string manipulation.
strontium by balt-dev — downloads: 26 A pure Lua, one file, dead simple LL(k) parsing library.
strsubst by cehteh — downloads: 329 String substitution engine
struct by cprevotaux — downloads: 26 A library to convert Lua values to and from C structs
struct by akhaustov — downloads: 57 A library to convert Lua values to and from C structs
struct by luarocks — downloads: 125k A library to convert Lua values to and from C structs
structlog.nvim by Tastyep — downloads: 167 Structured Logging for nvim, using Lua
struct.lua by mpatraw — downloads: 145 type-checked table definitions
strutil by brunotag — downloads: 47 string util library
stuart by — downloads: 76 An Apache Spark runtime for embedding and edge computing
A native Lua implementation of Spark MLlib
Redis support for Stuart, the Spark runtime for embedding & edge computing
Additional searcher to search sub-modules
subproc by artemis — downloads: 187 execute system commands with escaped arguments
subprocess by hisham — downloads: 779 A port of the Python subprocess module to Lua
substitute.nvim by neorocks — downloads: 2,380 Neovim plugin introducing a new operators motions to quickly replace and exchange text.
suit by vrld — downloads: 469 Immediate mode GUI library in pure Lua.
Sunclass by luarocks — downloads: 54 Simple class support for Lua.
Sunclass by qwook — downloads: 291 Simple class support for Lua.
supernova by gbaptista — downloads: 493 Terminal string styling. Put some color in your console!
suproxy by yizhu2000 — downloads: 94