Modules labeled 'test' (35)

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  • validate-args by djerius — downloads: 21.1k
    Function argument and structure validation
  • specl by gvvaughan — downloads: 62.3k
    Behaviour Driven Development for Lua
  • unreliablefs by ligurio — downloads: 99
    A FUSE-based fault injection filesystem
  • tstrict by cehteh — downloads: 252
    Yet Another Implementation For Lua Strict Tables
  • fakeredis by catwell — downloads: 161k
    Redis mock
  • lua-mock by henry4k — downloads: 1,125
    Provides mocking utilities.
  • annotate by siffiejoe — downloads: 245
    A decorator for docstrings and type checking
  • lluv-busted by moteus — downloads: 158
    Support async tests for busted with lluv library
  • gambiarra by imolein — downloads: 114
    A tiny lua unit-testing library.
  • lspec by toadjamb — downloads: 135
    Jasmine-style testing framework
  • mineunit by S-S-X — downloads: 3,734
    Regression test framework for Minetest mods
  • doccotest by saucisson — downloads: 681
    Doctest for Lua commented with Docco
  • moon_test by tomieiro — downloads: 26
    Lua module to provide unit tests methods
  • LuaCov-coveralls by moteus — downloads: 317k
    LuaCov reporter for service
  • mach by ryanplusplus — downloads: 2,147
    Simple mocking framework for Lua inspired by CppUMock and designed for readability.
  • cwtest by catwell — downloads: 783
    Test helper
  • TestingUnit by ldrumm — downloads: 115
    Another unit testing library for Lua inspired by Python's unittest.
  • Domotest by NxSoftware — downloads: 221
    A simple testing framework for Domoticz Lua scripts.
  • testy by siffiejoe — downloads: 906
    Easy unit testing for Lua modules.
  • busted-stable by kikito — downloads: 706
    Installs a stable version of busted
  • bustez by goldenstein64 — downloads: 181
    TestEZ injected into Busted
  • Valua by Etiene — downloads: 27.9k
    Validation for Lua!
  • gauge by roskosmosiv37 — downloads: 33
    Pure lua port of "demo" and "test" functions from GNU Octave.
  • lunit by luarocks — downloads: 25.9k
    A unit testing framework for Lua
  • LuaUnit by bluebird75 — downloads: 581k
    A unit testing framework for Lua
  • telescope by luarocks — downloads: 31.3k
    A test/spec library for Lua.
  • lua-TestLongString by fperrad — downloads: 1,452
    an extension for testing long string
  • neotest-haskell by MrcJkb — downloads: 1,645
    Neotest adapter for Haskell (cabal or stack) with support for Sydtest, Hspec and Tasty
  • lua-TestMore by fperrad — downloads: 14.6k
    an Unit Testing Framework
  • lua-TestAssertion by fperrad — downloads: 2,390
    TestMore with Lua friendly assertions
  • knife by Rinkaa — downloads: 3
    (airstruck/knife) A collection of useful micro-modules for Lua.
  • lunatest by luarocks — downloads: 2,999
    xUnit-style + randomized unit testing framework
  • luacov-multiple by to-kr — downloads: 58.5k
    Multiple LuaCov report generators
  • mocka by adobeio — downloads: 5,608
    The one lua testing framework that mocks classes, runs with real classes from your project, has nginx embeded methods for openresty individual testing. Has a suite of libraries preinstalled and you can specify libraries to install.
  • lunitx by dougcurrie — downloads: 44.9k
    Lunitx is a unit testing framework for lua, written in lua.