$ luarocks install --server=https://luarocks.org/manifests/doub <name>


  • Flu by doub — downloads: 4,042
    Filesystems in Lua Userspace.
  • freetype by doub — downloads: 367
    A low level binding to the FreeType library.
  • lunary by doub — downloads: 352
    A binary format I/O framework for Lua.
  • lunary-core by doub — downloads: 493
    A binary format I/O framework for Lua.
  • lunary-optim by doub — downloads: 450
    Optimizations for Lunary.
  • LUSE by doub — downloads: 211
    Lua bindings for the Filesystems in Userspace (FUSE) library
  • prtr-dump by doub — downloads: 999
    A simple module to dump a Lua value to a string or a file.
  • prtr-path by doub — downloads: 396
    A simple module to manipulate file paths in Lua.
  • prtr-test by doub — downloads: 153
    A simple module to help in writing Lua modules self-tests.