$ luarocks install --server=https://luarocks.org/manifests/xpol <name>


  • cctea by xpol — downloads: 269
    xxtea encryption used in cocos2d-x project
  • host by xpol — downloads: 134
    Constants about host os/arch/bits/endian for Lua.
  • luacheck-formatter-sonar by xpol — downloads: 3,181
    A sonar formatter for luacheck.
  • lua-cjson by xpol — downloads: 93
    A fast JSON encoding/parsing module
  • lua-zlib by xpol — downloads: 26
    Simple streaming interface to zlib for Lua.
  • mkdirp by xpol — downloads: 309
    A `mkdir -p` module for Lua.
  • native by xpol — downloads: 174
    Convert between UTF-8 and Windows system encoding.
  • rapidjson by xpol — downloads: 100k
    Very fast json module based on RapidJSON.
  • rmrf by xpol — downloads: 339
    A `rm -rf` module for Lua.
  • strong by xpol — downloads: 278
    A Lua library that makes your strings stronger!