A wrapper around LuaFileSystem that implements some more functions.

$ luarocks install filekit

filekit simplifies the methods used by lfs and implements some other functions
for checking whether files exist, getting octal permissions... It also serves
as a drop-in replacement for the ComputerCraft FS API, so you might write
programs compatible with both platforms (CC and PC).


scm-2dev5 years ago4 downloads
scm-1dev5 years ago10 downloads
1.4-14 years ago503 downloads
1.3-14 years ago59 downloads
1.2.2-14 years ago36 downloads
1.2.1-14 years ago36 downloads
1.1.1-14 years ago36 downloads
1.1-14 years ago35 downloads
1.0.1-14 years ago53 downloads
1.0-15 years ago87 downloads


lua >= 5.1

Dependency for

alfons, altdoc, cosrun, debugkit, fir, rockbuild, rockwriter
