
File System Library for the Lua Programming Language

$ luarocks install luafilesystem

LuaFileSystem is a Lua library developed to complement the set of
functions related to file systems offered by the standard Lua
distribution. LuaFileSystem offers a portable way to access the
underlying directory structure and file attributes.


scm-1dev2 years ago12,726 downloads
cvs-4dev8 years ago7,624 downloads
cvs-3dev10 years ago2,235 downloads
cvs-2dev10 years ago19 downloads
cvs-1dev10 years ago1 download
1.8.0-14 years ago7,746,370 downloads
1.7.0-27 years ago1,847,782 downloads
1.7.0-17 years ago(revision: 4)2,220 downloads
1.6.3-28 years ago615,601 downloads
1.6.3-110 years ago172,467 downloads
1.6.2-210 years ago36,746 downloads
1.6.2-110 years ago38,117 downloads
1.6.1-110 years ago248 downloads
1.6.0-110 years ago386 downloads
1.5.0-310 years ago10,684 downloads
1.5.0-210 years ago757 downloads
1.5.0-110 years ago259 downloads
1.4.2-110 years ago225 downloads
1.4.1-110 years ago202 downloads
1.4.1rc1-1dev10 years ago23 downloads
1.4.0-210 years ago264 downloads
1.4.0-110 years ago186 downloads
1.3.0-110 years ago211 downloads
1.2.1-110 years ago144 downloads


lua >= 5.1

Dependency for

alive, amber-apigw, APIOAK, Apache APISIX, apisix, async-utils, audiodataload, Aurora, awesome-autostart, babel, Battery Status, busted, busted, busted, busted, caas, cascproxy, CGILua, cgilua-cli, colormap, combustion, crescent, cyan, depgraph, deviant, digestif, diskOP, edge, erde, Escher, Faketorio, fffonion-busted, filekit, file-util-tempdir, fourmi, fusionscript, gimlet-cocktail, gimlet-render, gin, glass, hnetxt-lua, hotswap-http, hotswap-lfs, injarg, ipc-bash, kong-lapis, Kosmo, lake, lapis, Lettersmith, lice-lua, lice-lua, llscheck, lmake, loveheaders, loverboy, love-release, loverocks, lpresence, lrexrepl, lspec, lua-aplicado, LuaBibTex, lua-bitcask, luabot, luacasc, luacheck, luacheck, luacheck, lua-complete, luacov-console, LuaCov-coveralls, luacov-multiple, luacov-multiple-new, luadbd, LuaDoc, LuaDocumentor, lua-http2tcp, luaipfs, luaish-windows, luaish-windows, luajls-lfs, lualibrarytemplate, lualibrarytemplate, lua-lswcli, lua-mastodon, lua-mc, luamon, LuaNativeObjects-luadoc, luapak, Luapress, lua-quickcheck, lua-resty-etcd, luarocks-addon-moonc, luarocks-addon-test, luarocks-build-autotools, luarocks-build-treesitter-parser, luarocks-build-treesitter-parser-cpp, LuaService, luaSolidState, LuaSVN, lub, lub, lub, luna, lunadoc, Lunar, lundler, lusty-mustache, luxtra, lzt, magic-apigw, mail-parser, many2one, md2html, meta, metalua-compiler, MiniFS, mkdirp, mocka, moonbuild, mooncake, moongarden, moonscript, moonscript, moonscript, moontastic, multistreamer, munin, myauth, nextfile, npg, octoflow, openai, orange, Orbit, Orbit, Orbit, pash, pegasus, pegasus, pegasus-mr, penlight, penlight, penlight, penlight, petrisport, pimp, procdata, prompt-style, prosody, prosody, prosody-libs, pumas, RemDebug, Restia, santoku, santoku-cli, Satelito, seawolf, sfs, Shake, shapefile, shiplog, sile, sitegen, smsd-event-handler, sncl, tapis, teal-cli, tea-leaves, teal-language-server, teal-language-server, tethys, texrocks, thingsim, tl, tlcheck, tn, torch-dataframe, torch-dir-loader, ufy, Versium, Vert, Vert, video_streaming, visdom, wagon, watcher, wezterm_include_launch_items, wowcig, WSAPI, WSAPI, wtf, Xavante, Xavante, zappy

