
$ luarocks install --server= <name>


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  • act by mah0x211 — downloads: 945
    coroutine based synchronously non-blocking operations module
  • argexpected by mah0x211 — downloads: 3,322
    Helper module to check arguments.
  • argv by mah0x211 — downloads: 1,231
    argument vector handling module
  • assert by mah0x211 — downloads: 24.8k
    simple assertion module for lua
  • assertex by mah0x211 — downloads: 2,386
    simple assertion module for lua
  • base64mix by mah0x211 — downloads: 15.2k
    base64 encode/decode module
  • basedir by mah0x211 — downloads: 2,151
    lua-basedir is a module that limits file and directory operations to be performed under a specified directory.
  • basename by mah0x211 — downloads: 7,702
    extract the base portion of a pathname.
  • bitvec by mah0x211 — downloads: 216
    bit-vector module
  • bufio by mah0x211 — downloads: 1,691
    buffered I/O module.
  • cache by mah0x211 — downloads: 433
    pluggable cache storage module.
  • cache-mdbx by mah0x211 — downloads: 26
    cache storage module with mdbx backend.
  • cache-redis by mah0x211 — downloads: 145
    cache storage module with redis backend.
  • chdir by mah0x211 — downloads: 6,181
    change current working directory.
  • clock by mah0x211 — downloads: 567
    clock and time functions.
  • codec by mah0x211 — downloads: 129
    encoding and decoding module collection.
  • configh by mah0x211 — downloads: 5,097
    lua-configh is a helper module that generates config.h file.
  • context by mah0x211 — downloads: 476
    The context module provides golang-like context functionality.
  • cookie by mah0x211 — downloads: 3,428
    HTTP Cookie utility
  • denque by mah0x211 — downloads: 811
    double-ended queue
  • deq by mah0x211 — downloads: 190
    double-ended queue
  • deque by mah0x211 — downloads: 1,122
    double-ended queue
  • dirname by mah0x211 — downloads: 6,129
    extract the directory part of a pathname.
  • dump by mah0x211 — downloads: 35.1k
    stringified lua data structures, suitable for both printing and loading as chunk
  • epoll by mah0x211 — downloads: 1,311
    epoll bindings for lua
  • errno by mah0x211 — downloads: 29.5k
    the errno handling module for lua.
  • error by mah0x211 — downloads: 22.7k
    additional features to the error module.
  • evm by mah0x211 — downloads: 609
    kqueue/epoll event module
  • exec by mah0x211 — downloads: 3,253
    execute a file
  • exists by mah0x211 — downloads: 338
    check whether the specified path exists or not.
  • exit by mah0x211 — downloads: 81
    calls the ISO C function exit and lua_close to terminate the host program.
  • extname by mah0x211 — downloads: 2,075
    extract the extension part of a pathname.
  • fork by mah0x211 — downloads: 2,921
    create a new process.
  • form by mah0x211 — downloads: 911
    HTML form data processing module.
  • form-multipart by mah0x211 — downloads: 1,030
    encode/decode the multipart/form-data format.
  • form-urlencoded by mah0x211 — downloads: 1,408
    encode/decode the application/x-www-form-urlencoded format.
  • fsrouter by mah0x211 — downloads: 1,906
    filesystem based url router
  • fstat by mah0x211 — downloads: 8,270
    obtains information about the file pointed to by the argument.
  • gcfn by mah0x211 — downloads: 6,122
    create gc function for lua
  • geo by mah0x211 — downloads: 140
    geo location util
  • getcwd by mah0x211 — downloads: 8,184
    get working directory pathname.
  • getenv by mah0x211 — downloads: 1,499
    environment variables retrieval module
  • getopts by mah0x211 — downloads: 191
    parse command options.
  • getpid by mah0x211 — downloads: 1,327
    get parent or calling process-id.
  • gpoll by mah0x211 — downloads: 7,365
    A generic interface module for synchronous I/O multiplexing processing.
  • halo by mah0x211 — downloads: 1,421
    Simple OOP Library For Lua
  • hex by mah0x211 — downloads: 904
    hexadecimal encode/decode module
  • hmac by mah0x211 — downloads: 1,790
    Compute the SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 message digests and the Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC).
  • idna by mah0x211 — downloads: 216
    libidn bindings for lua
  • io-close by mah0x211 — downloads: 222
    close a file or file descriptor.
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