
Access management for FIWARE Sidecar-Proxy auth endpoint config service using the SHARE framework

$ luarocks install kong-plugin-auth-endpoint-config-ishare

Manages access to the authorization endpoint configuration service required for the Sidecar-Proxy and
checks for corresponding access policies at authorisation registry.
Requires an EORI and key/certificate issued by an authority and registered at an
iSHARE Scheme Owner/Satellite.
Also requires an iSHARE-compliant authorisation registry for accessing the iSHARE policies.


0.5.7-11 year ago41 downloads
0.5.6-11 year ago28 downloads
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0.5.4-11 year ago26 downloads
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0.5.2-12 years ago29 downloads
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0.3.1-12 years ago30 downloads
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0.0.5-12 years ago31 downloads
0.0.4-12 years ago31 downloads
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0.0.2-12 years ago38 downloads


lua >= 5.1
lua-fiware-lib >= 0.0.13-1
