BCD arithmetic for arbitrary large integers

$ luarocks install luabcd

Implements an ADT for arbitrary large integers with the
arithmetic operators '+','-','/','*','^'.
The numbers are internally represented as binary coded
decimals (BCD) in blocks of 8 digits per 64 bit chunk.
The implementation is based on "BCD Arithmetic, a tutorial"
at http://homepage.divms.uiowa.edu/~jones/bcd/bcd.html.


1.0-123 years ago97 downloads
1.0-93 years ago67 downloads
1.0-83 years ago41 downloads
1.0-73 years ago35 downloads
1.0-63 years ago35 downloads
1.0-53 years ago36 downloads
1.0-43 years ago35 downloads
1.0-33 years ago33 downloads
1.0-23 years ago33 downloads
1.0-13 years ago33 downloads


lua >= 5.1, <= 5.4
