$ luarocks install sos.nvim
Never manually save/write a buffer again!
sos is an autosaver plugin for Neovim that automatically saves all of your changed buffers according to a predefined timeout value. Its main goals are:
• To handle conditions/situations that `'autowriteall'` does not
• To offer a complete, set-and-forget autosave/autowrite solution that saves your buffers for you when you need them saved
• To offer at least some customization via options as well as the ability to easily enable/disable
• To be better or more correct than `CursorHold` autosavers and not depend on `CursorHold`
Additional Features
• Has its own independent timer, distinct from `'updatetime'`, which may be set to any value in ms
• Timer is only started/reset on savable buffer changes, not cursor movements or other irrelevant events
• Keeps buffers in sync with the filesystem by frequently running `:checktime` in the background for you (e.g. on `CTRL-Z` or suspend, resume, command, etc.)
• Intelligently ignores `'readonly'` and other such unwritable buffers/files (i.e. the writing of files with insufficient permissions must be attempted manually with `:w`)
• Tested: https://github.com/tmillr/sos.nvim/tree/master/tests