A contemporary DNS library focused on performance using LuaJIT FFI.

$ luarocks install ljdns

The goal of this project is a fast DNS library for testing new RFCs and building DNS services.
It supports all widely used DNS records (DNSSEC included) with a lean and mean API for DNS primitives, messages, asynchronous I/O (including coroutines, TCP Fast Open and SO_REUSEPORT), and DNS over TLS.


2.4-07 years ago213 downloads
0.5-07 years ago31 downloads
0.4-08 years ago70 downloads
0.3-18 years ago29 downloads
0.2-28 years ago(revision: 4)157 downloads
0.2-18 years ago(revision: 2)37 downloads


ljsyscall >= 0.12
lua >= 5.1
lua-cjson >= 2.1.0

Dependency for

