
$ luarocks install --server=https://luarocks.org/manifests/leafo <name>


  • base58 by leafo — downloads: 1,231
    Base58 encoding and decoding for Lua
  • cloud_storage by leafo — downloads: 5,147
    Access Google Cloud Storage from Lua
  • enet by leafo — downloads: 5,629
    A library for doing network communication in Lua
  • etlua by leafo — downloads: 796k
    Embedded templates for Lua
  • geoip by leafo — downloads: 30.7k
    LuaJIT bindings to MaxMind GeoIP & mmdb libraries
  • gifine by leafo — downloads: 14k
    A tool for make gifs and videos
  • giflib by leafo — downloads: 548
    LuaJIT FFI binding to giflib
  • heroku-openresty by leafo — downloads: 310
    OpenResty binaries for running on Heroku with the Lua buildpack
  • imagesize by leafo — downloads: 131
    Determine the dimensions of common image formats from minimal bytes
  • lapis by leafo — downloads: 351k
    A web framework for MoonScript & Lua
  • lapis-annotate by leafo — downloads: 981
    Annotate Lapis models with a comment describing schema
  • lapis-bayes by leafo — downloads: 7,012
    Naive Bayes classifier for use in Lua
  • lapis-community by leafo — downloads: 9,001
    A drop in, full featured community and comment system for Lapis projects
  • lapis-console by leafo — downloads: 7,682
    An interactive web based console for Lapis
  • lapis-eswidget by leafo — downloads: 541
    A widget base class designed for generating ES modules for bundling JavaScript & more
  • lapis-exceptions by leafo — downloads: 2,418
    Track Lapis exceptions to database and email when they happen
  • lapis-redis by leafo — downloads: 12.7k
    Redis integration with lapis
  • lapis-spec-screenshot by leafo — downloads: 69
    Use wkhtmltoimage to automatically screenshot pages when running tests
  • lapis-systemd by leafo — downloads: 1,725
    Integrate Lapis with systemd
  • loadkit by leafo — downloads: 793k
    Loadkit allows you to load arbitrary files within the Lua package path
  • lovekit by leafo — downloads: 71
    LÖVE + MoonScript tools
  • luajit-geoip by leafo — downloads: 4,977
    LuaJIT bindings to MaxMind GeoIP library
  • lua-openai by leafo — downloads: 1,783
    Bindings to the OpenAI HTTP API for Lua.
  • lua-twitter by leafo — downloads: 182
    A Lua twitter library that works with OpenResty or LuaSocket
  • magick by leafo — downloads: 64.1k
    Lua bindings to ImageMagick for LuaJIT using FFI
  • mailgun by leafo — downloads: 3,397
    Send email with Mailgun
  • moonrocks by leafo — downloads: 10k
    A tool for installing and uploading Lua packages to rocks.moonscript.org
  • moonscrape by leafo — downloads: 79
    A web scraper for Lua
  • moonscript by leafo — downloads: 310k
    A programmer friendly language that compiles to Lua
  • payments by leafo — downloads: 8,546
    Payment APIs for Lua, including Stripe & PayPal. Works with Openresty
  • pgmoon by leafo — downloads: 867k
    Postgres driver for OpenResty and Lua
  • sharecart by leafo — downloads: 39
  • sitegen by leafo — downloads: 8,598
    A tool for assembling static webpages with markdown
  • syntaxhighlight by leafo — downloads: 1,087
    A code syntax to HTML highlighter using lexers from Textadept
  • tableshape by leafo — downloads: 20.5k
    Test the shape or structure of a Lua table
  • twitter by leafo — downloads: 368
    A Lua twitter library that works with OpenResty or LuaSocket
  • uinput by leafo — downloads: 195
    A library for creating a virtual keyboard on Linux with uinput
  • web_sanitize by leafo — downloads: 12.8k
    Lua library for sanitizing untrusted HTML