All modules labeled 'xml' (18)

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  • xml by mb6ockatf — downloads: 1
    xml parser
  • luaxmlrpc by rumkex — downloads: 20.1k
    Lua-XML-RPC is a Lua package to access and provide XML-RPC services
  • LuaXML by nobuyuki — downloads: 25
    a module that maps between Lua and XML without much ado
  • LuaXML by ALeRT — downloads: 26
    a module that maps between Lua and XML without much ado
  • LuaXML by luarocks — downloads: 747
    a module that maps between Lua and XML without much ado
  • MoonXML by DarkWiiPlayer — downloads: 762
  • xml by luarocks — downloads: 141
    Very fast xml parser based on RapidXML
  • SLAXML by Phrogz — downloads: 199
    SAX-like streaming XML parser for Lua
  • skooma by DarkWiiPlayer — downloads: 328
    A library for generating HTML functionally
  • lox by josh-feng — downloads: 137
    lua object-model for x/html
  • dromozoa-xml by moyu — downloads: 1,782
    XML parser and toolkit
  • lifter_puller by FreeMasen — downloads: 248
    An xml pull parser in pure lua
  • LuaXML by djerius — downloads: 26.9k
    a module that maps between Lua and XML without much ado
  • luaxpath by basiliscos — downloads: 425k
    Simple XPath implementation in the Lua programming language.
  • xml2lua by manoelcampos — downloads: 311k
    An XML Parser written entirely in Lua 5.1+
  • httprequestparser by yogiverma1991 — downloads: 300
    http request parser written in lua for json, xml.
  • xml by gaspard — downloads: 323k
    Very fast xml parser based on RapidXML
  • lua-xmlreader by luarocks — downloads: 2,815
    An implementation of the XmlReader API using libxml2.