$ luarocks install --server=https://luarocks.org/manifests/clpi <name>


  • word.lua by clpi — downloads: 28
    the (eventually) infinitely extensible markdown environment for nvim
  • down.lua by clpi — downloads: 37
    the (eventually) infinitely extensible markdown note-taking work environment that you can have in Neovim without having to ever leave the comfort of markdown.
  • down.nvim by clpi — downloads: 49
    the (eventually) infinitely extensible markdown note-taking work environment that you can have in Neovim without having to ever leave the comfort of markdown.
  • jot.lua by clpi — downloads: 15
    the (eventually) infinitely extensible markdown note-taking work environment that you can have in Neovim without having to ever leave the comfort of markdown.
  • word.lua by clpi — downloads: 104
    the (eventually) infinitely extensible markdown note-taking homstead and (soon to be) extraordinarly powerful work environment that you can have in Neovim without having to ever leave the comfort of the plain markup gold standard, markdown.