$ luarocks install --server=https://luarocks.org/manifests/imagicthecat-0a6b669a3a <name>
- Module that provides abstractions over Lua coroutines.
- Embeddable Lua Graphical User Interface
- Embeddable Lua Profiler is a pure Lua statistical/sampling profiler.
- Embeddable Lua Scheduler is a pure Lua module to manage timers.
- Personal methodology to deal with Error, Warning and Debugging.
- Module to help working with what I call the Lua Data Model (persistence, exchange, etc.).
- GMP Lua C API bindings
- Module built on libuv and LuaJIT 2.1.
- An abstraction over LÖVE threads.
- Pure Lua library for OOP (Object Oriented Programming).
- An asynchronous helper library built on Lua coroutines.
- Mathematics for Graphics in pure Lua.
- Module which implements a shell/CLI eDSL (API).
- A dynamic type system library for Lua.