
$ luarocks install --server=https://luarocks.org/manifests/jigordev <name>


  • lua-checkargs by jigordev — downloads: 14
    checkargs is a Lua library designed for argument validation in Lua functions.
  • lua-context by jigordev — downloads: 9
    lua-context is a Lua library designed to facilitate context management in both synchronous and asynchronous environments.
  • lua-dataclass by jigordev — downloads: 8
    A simple yet powerful dataclass implementation for Lua, inspired by Python's dataclasses.
  • lua-errhandler by jigordev — downloads: 9
    A simple Lua library for handling success and error results using classes and method chaining.
  • lua-forms by jigordev — downloads: 9
    lua-forms is a Lua library for creating and validating forms, inspired by WTForms.
  • lua-moongo by jigordev — downloads: 15
    Moongo is an Object-Document Mapper for working with MongoDB in Lua.