
Debug Adapter Protocol client implementation for Neovim.

$ luarocks install nvim-dap

nvim-dap allows you to:

* Launch an application to debug
* Attach to running applications and debug them
* Set breakpoints and step through code
* Inspect the state of the application


scm-1dev2 years ago17,004 downloads
0.10.0-12 days ago105 downloads
0.9.0-198 days ago4,340 downloads
0.8.0-1302 days ago9,488 downloads
0.7.0-11 year ago4,970 downloads
0.6.0-11 year ago54 downloads
0.5.0-12 years ago29 downloads


lua >= 5.1

Dependency for

mason-nvim-dap.nvim, neotest-java, nvim-dap-go, nvim-dap-python, nvim-dap-ui, nvim-dap-virtual-text, one-small-step-for-vimkind, telescope-dap.nvim
