Modules labeled 'windows' (15)

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  • Light by jakitliang — downloads: 113
    If I were the shore, bright & magnanimous.
  • WindowsFirewall by moteus — downloads: 31
    Windows Firewall configuration library
  • OpenHardwareMonitor by moteus — downloads: 37
    Access to OpenHardwareMonitor WMI interface
  • winreg by moteus — downloads: 566
    Lua module to Access Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Registry
  • luajls by javalikescript — downloads: 240
    luajls is a set of Lua modules for developing stand-alone Lua applications
  • pdh by moteus — downloads: 407
    Lua binding to Microsoft Performance Data Helper (PDH) library
  • luavenster by oberhofer — downloads: 423
    Small object oriented layer around WinAPI windows
  • environ by moteus — downloads: 37.8k
    Manipulate with environment variables
  • winapi by steved — downloads: 3,875
    Minimal but useful bindings to Windows API
  • luawinapi by oberhofer — downloads: 829
    Wraps subset of WinAPI
  • utf8fix by goreliu — downloads: 190
    UTF-8 <-> UTF-16 <-> ANSI converter for LuaJIT (Windows only)
  • html-entities by TiagoDanin — downloads: 6,873
    Module for lua, decoding html entities :)
  • MicrosoftSAPI by Fiendish — downloads: 214
    Lua COM interface for Microsoft Speech API
  • pathlib.nvim by pysan3 — downloads: 11.5k
    OS Independent, ultimate solution to path handling in neovim.
  • luajit-ahk by goreliu — downloads: 213
    LuaJIT FFI binding for AutoHotkey_H