root Manifest (4794)
$ luarocks install --server= <name>
- get the file descriptor from the lua file handle.
- create the lua file handle from a pathname or descriptor of the file.
- determines whether the argument is the lua file handle or not.
- A reader that reads data from a file or file descriptor.
- Reads data from a specified file descriptor.
- Arrange your ios icons through code not with your finger
- create the lua file handle from the file descriptor.
- truncate or extend a file to a specified length.
- vectored I/O module
- wait until the file descriptor is 'ready' for I/O operation.
- A writer that writes data to a file or file descriptor.
- Writes data to a specified file descriptor.
- IP2Location Lua Package
- Lua Package
- IP2Proxy Lua Package
- IP2WHOIS Lua Package
- Inter process communications between shell session and lua script
- IPQualityScore IP Reputation Flat File Database Reader
- A Lua IRC module that tries to be minimal and extensible.
- A library for formatting IRC lines
- A simple, no bullshit IRC parser.
- A library for parsing IRC lines
- Prometheus metric library for Nginx
- Iris client
- Type checking for Lua
- type checking utility module
- The latest scientific breakthroughs in the field of odd numbers.
- Interactively select and swap function arguments, list elements, and much more. Powered by tree-sitter.
- Map, filter, etc as lazy iterator transforms
- Functional iteration using coroutines
- Mini IRC bot module in lua
- Lua binding to libgeohash
- Just Another Buffer Switcher for Neovim
- An nREPL server
- Library for testing your Lua scripts.
- A single-file Jevko library for Lua.
- 基于cppjieba的neovim中文词跳转
- Declaratively specify how to extract elements from a JSON document, in Lua
- A subnet mangling library
- Take an energetic trot along the pandoc AST.
- hammerspoon caffein
- hammerspoon winmove
- A library for jump point path searching
- JS source minifier
- A command-line tool to convert JSON to Lua
- JSON4Lua and JSONRPC4Lua implement JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoding and decoding and a JSON-RPC-over-http client for Lua.
- json-logic lua port
- JSON encoder/decoder