Safe templates for Lua

$ luarocks install cosmo

Cosmo is a "safe templates" engine. It allows you to fill nested templates,
providing many of the advantages of Turing-complete template engines,
without without the downside of allowing arbitrary code in the templates.


16.06.04-18 years ago30,294 downloads
14.03.04-110 years ago1,259 downloads
13.01.30-110 years ago173 downloads
10.04.06-110 years ago975 downloads
10.03.31-110 years ago127 downloads
9.09.22-110 years ago124 downloads
8.04.14-110 years ago168 downloads
8.04.04-110 years ago163 downloads
8.02.18-110 years ago308 downloads
current-1dev10 years ago74 downloads


LPeg >= 0.9

Dependency for

luma, luma, lunamark, lunamark, lunamark, Orbit, Orbit, Orbit, Restia, SACI, sitegen, Sputnik, webrender

